Member Signup and Renewal

New Membership

Please select your membership type.

Membership Type
Richard E Schultes Research Award
SEB Endowment Fund
Conference Awards
Gift Memberships
Economic Botany *
Total Amount
Join/Renew Headers
The Society for Economic Botany is a non-profit, 501c3 organization and your gifts/donations are tax deductable. A tax receipt will be provided for all contributions of $50 or more.

Descriptions of the awards may be found here.

Purchase Student or Associate Gift Memberships

You can now purchase Student or Associate gift memberships for a very low price of $10. This is a great way to introduce students and developing nations' colleagues to the Society for the first time. Enter the number of memberships you wish to give and then include the name and email address for each gift membership below (required). If you want to DONATE gift memberships, you can do so by putting an "X" in the recipient fields and these donated gift memberships will be made available for those students or developing nations' colleagues who request financial assistance to start an SEB membership.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address
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